

WINNER CONTEST "Winter Fairy Crown"

Hello contestant, thanks for your entries ^_~
All of you will get prize, congratulation!!

ms.cacaClara.Oswald, and MintMinty get 50sd from Wishlist
putridjulia and avrilmeg get 10sd from Wishlist

See you next time
love iffahim


Contest Barbie Look

Make over my medoll with theme "Barbie Look" and save on the top your presentation

The make up (shocking colour)
The accessories
The hair (colour and type)
Your presentation (on the top)

All entries are pretty and nice, thank you.
Here Three Best Make Over

Here the gifts will be on your suite

Congratulation ^_^


Memberi Bayangan

Memberi bayangan merupakan salah satu finishing yang sering dilakukan untuk memberikan editan yang sempurna pada karya kita.

Misalkan editan medoll sudah selesai. Merger semua layer. (mata pada layer background boleh ditutup, juga boleh tidak)


Contest Teenage Style

This contest about Dress Up medoll juliana3mmy (club manager)
with theme: The Teenage Style


And Five Best Style, they are:

OliveSafcha, dewique, DrewEvelyn, ChicRichi2, and VenusSteffy

Congratulation and Thank You for all participants ^_^ 
join club

Sharpen Tool

Seperti namanya, Sharpen Tool fungsinya untuk mempertajam gambar. Jika dipakai dengan pas, gambar/editan kita akan menjadi lbh bagus.

sebagai contoh kita gunakan medoll Shin_Jihyun